Milestone Reached: OECHSLER’s Successful Implementation of the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act

Every great journey begins with a call to adventure. For OECHSLER, this call came in the form of the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act. This legislation, effective from 2023 for companies with over 3,000 employees and from 2024 for those with more than 1,000 employees, demands rigorous adherence to human rights and environmental standards.

The Quest: Building a Sustainable Supply Chain

OECHSLER embarked on this quest with a commitment to go beyond compliance. The company’s strategy is not just about meeting legal requirements but about forging a path that others can follow. Here are the milestones on our journey:

  1. The Risk Assessment Compass: Every adventurer needs a compass, and OECHSLER’s is its specialized sustainability risk filter. This tool helps the company navigate the complex terrain of geographical, political, and product-specific risks, ensuring they stay on course towards their sustainability goals.
  2. The Code of Conduct Map: OECHSLER’s principal declaration serves as a map, guiding every step of the journey. This declaration encompasses business ethics, environmental protection, resource conservation, and the upholding of human rights and social standards. It sets the minimum expectations for all fellow travelers—OECHSLER’s business partners.
  3. The Transparency Lantern: Transparency illuminates the path ahead. OECHSLER demands clear visibility into the origins of raw materials and conflict minerals, shedding light on potential risks and ensuring adherence to ethical standards.
  4. The Supplier Fellowship: No journey is undertaken alone. OECHSLER’s fellowship includes suppliers who are evaluated based on labor rights, human rights, environmental risks, and fair business practices. High-risk suppliers undergo deeper scrutiny through self-assessments and audits to ensure they are aligned with OECHSLER’s values.
  5. The Reporting Beacon: To keep all stakeholders informed, OECHSLER uses the beacon of detailed sustainability reports. These reports share the company’s progress and commitment to human rights due diligence, ensuring that everyone is aware of the journey’s milestones and achievements.

Challenges and Triumphs: Overcoming Non-Compliance

Every hero faces challenges, and for OECHSLER, these are non-compliance and unethical practices. The company’s robust risk management and compliance systems are its sword and shield, protecting against corruption, anti-competitive behavior, and environmental harm. By fostering an environment of integrity and accountability, OECHSLER ensures that their journey remains just and honorable.

Corporate Responsibility and Future Goals

At the end of this journey the goal is a sustainable and ethical future. OECHSLER’s commitment to reducing energy and water consumption, managing chemicals responsibly, and cutting greenhouse gas emissions ensures that the environment is preserved for future generations. Our dedication to social responsibility ensures that human rights are upheld, discrimination is eradicated, and fair labor practices are the norm.

The Continuing Journey

While this chapter may close, the journey of sustainability never truly ends. OECHSLER remains committed to continuous improvement, innovation, and ethical practices. Their story is a testament to the power of dedication and the impact of a shared vision for a better world.

For more details on OECHSLER’s sustainability journey, check out the following page: Sustainability and Supply Chain.

"We were facing significant challenges, including the lack of human resources, the quality, availability, and transparency of data across all stages of our supply chain, and the lack of understanding of the requirements of the LkSG within the supply chain. However, we are committed to expanding our system to meet the forthcoming European Supply Chain Directive (CSDDD) and broadening our focus on sustainability topics along the supply chain."

Hayko Pala
Head of Global Supplier Development

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